Welcome to the PRL blog

:: about, 1st blog post

By: Ben Greenman

Greetings, ground rules, hopes, dreams, and notes for contributors. Welcome aboard.

Earlier this year, the Programming Research Lab (PRL) was blessed with a new postdoc: Gabriel Scherer from INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France. Ever since Gabriel arrived things have been changing here in Boston. We now have homemade bread on the first Tuesday of every month, orange water crepes after holidays, and someone new to go out for bubble tea with in between. All that and an enthusiastic colleague and researcher.

In his spare time between lobbying the CS department for an espresso machine and building multi-language compilers, Gabriel is also a champion of open access. Hence this blog, a window into the life and times of PRL students made possible by Gabriel’s tactical prodding and careful delegation of responsibilities. Anything you might read about in a rejected conference paper or hear over coffee is fair game here: the goal is to give the wide world a glimpse of our lab and people.

For Contributors

These pages are generated using Greg Hendershott’s frog static website generator. To create a new post:

  1. Clone or fork the nuprl.github.io repository
  2. Check out a new git branch for your post
  3. Run cd blog; raco frog -n "TITLE" to build a template for a new post
  4. Add content to the new markdown file (under _src/posts)
  5. Rebuild the blog with raco frog -b
  6. Run cd ..; raco frog -p to start a web server and view your changes at http://localhost:3000/
  7. Send a pull request to the nuprl.github.io repo

An open pull request is the best place to ask questions about the formatting or content of a post. We promise that within a few days of opening a PR someone with push access will reply with feedback or merge the request.

Contributions are open to anyone: current labmates, alumni, friends from the Racket mailing list, and even recovering C programmers. One should have a strong connection to Northeastern or our research, but even that is not strictly necessary. Visitors are always welcome to the PRL.